Monday, August 18, 2008

Sooo I was looking through my e-mail and I had to post Lisa's list poem that she wrote for me because it is HILLARIOUS!!

I heard you, last night, 2am.

I was sleeping until your voice

came crashing through my consciousness.

Was it so important?

Was it so urgent

that it could not wait until morning?

^ lmfao its like an ode to my mother! gotta love her <3

Saturday, August 2, 2008

So i'm taking a minute to blog again. I'm kind of frustrated with schoolwork right now, so I'm clearing my head. Last night I fell asleep at 6:30pm and slept for a billion hours! Idk whats wrong with me lately OH WELL! Then I was woken up by my mother BANGING on my door (I lock it for a reason) lmao. Then we got in a fight about the friggen shower curtain....she told me and i quote "I did not pull it back enough and mold is going to grow." My response was "WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! would u like to take a shower with me next time and make sure its properly placed!" May sound harsh, but mommy dearest is a little OCD lol. Anyway, thats my story! toodles for now.